“There is something very special about the dignity of a job; it has ripple effects in one’s life that are generational – we help make that happen.”

– Justin Frame

The Working Wardrobes Annual Gala is our most impactful fundraiser of the year, a tribute to our mission, and a chance to honor those who make it possible. This year, we will honor Justin Frame (Managing Director – Market Executive | Pacific Desert at UBS) and Boeing for their years of generosity and partnership with our organization. In preparation for the September 9th event, we asked Justin Frame why he chooses to create ripple effects of impact through Working Wardrobes.

2023 Impact Honoree: Justin Frame

Justin J. Frame CFP®, CEPA® joined the Working Wardrobes Board of Directors in 2015, serving as the Chairman of the Board from 2016 to 2020. Over the years, Mr. Frame’s infectious enthusiasm for the Working Wardrobes mission has motivated countless individuals and corporations he interacts with to get involved, including this year’s Presenting Sponsor, the H & H Lee Charitable Foundation. Most recently, UBS (where Mr. Frame is a Managing Director and Market Executive for the Pacific Desert) supported our April Power Up for Success event both financially and through volunteerism, which made the day of career readiness services for 100 Marines and Sailors possible.

Q & A with Justin Frame

Q: Why is Working Wardrobes’ mission so meaningful to you?

A: The mission is powerful because it is all about empowering people to be self-sufficient. The phrase ‘offering a hand up, not a handout’ truly resonates with me; providing training and resources around job development affords the confidence needed to reenter the workforce and become self-sufficient with true dignity.

Q: How does it feel to be honored at Working Wardrobes’ gala, our most impactful fundraising event of the year?

A: I am humbled and honored. I am very proud of the work that we have done as a board and organization navigating through some very difficult times. Events like our devastating fire, retirement of our founder, onboarding of a new CEO, and COVID could have really taken the wind out of our sails, I feel Working Wardrobes is better than ever today!

Q: What would you tell someone who hasn’t yet become involved with Working Wardrobes?

A: There is something very special about the dignity of a job, it has ripple effects in one’s life that are generational – we help make that happen.

Q: Anything else you would like to share?

A: The work done at Working Wardrobes is a complete team effort; it takes the entire leadership team, the staff, the board, the volunteers and the clients we serve to make it all happen – and because we all care so much about this mission that coordination is made possible. We are blessed to be able to work with the clients that come through our doors, and we know that the impact is profound!

Create Ripples of Impact with Working Wardrobes

Thank you, Justin, for helping Working Wardrobes clients achieve gainful employment through your outstanding philanthropic contributions. Join us in honoring Justin Frame and thereby create your own ripple effect of positive impact – purchase tickets to our Annual Gala today!

To sponsor or underwrite the event, email DevelopmentTeam@WorkingWardrobes.org.

The deadline to RSVP and sponsor is August 9th.