Rebuilding Careers Podcast2023-05-05T00:57:56+00:00

Episode 20: Unlocking Human Potential

Working Wardrobes CEO Bonni Pomush sits down with Justine Rocha, Safety Engineer at Hensel Phelps and Teresa Miller, Co-Founder and CEO of 365 Events San Diego to discuss Unlocking Human Potential.

August 10th, 2022|

Episode 17: CEO Bonni Pomush with Working Wardrobes Leaders

CEO Bonni Pomush with Working Wardrobes Leaders CEO Bonni Pomush sits down with Working Wardrobes leadership team members, Chief People Officer Derek Benson, Chief Program Officer Mary Ann Profeta, Chief Financial Officer Alan Silkes, and Chief Revenue Officer Stefaan Poortman.

June 30th, 2022|
  • Rebuilding Careers Podcast Guests

Episode 14: Working Wardrobes’ CEO and Chief Revenue Officer Join Longtime Donors and Supporters Toni & Terry McDonald

Working Wardrobes CEO and Chief Revenue Officer with Longtime Donors and Supporters Toni & Terry McDonald on the Impact of Recurring Giving Bonni Pomush, CEO of Working Wardrobes and Stefaan Poortman, Working Wardrobes Chief Revenue Officer sit down with longtime donors and supporters Toni & Terry McDonald to discuss the impact of recurring giving.

April 14th, 2022|
  • Working Wardrobes Rebuilding Careers Podcast

Episode 12: CEO Bonni Pomush WW Leadership Team to Discuss the Importance of Investing in Others

CEO Bonni Pomush and WW Leadership Team Discuss the Importance of Investing in Others In this episode, CEO Bonni Pomush sits down with Working Wardrobes Chief Revenue Officer Stefaan Poortman, Chief Financial Officer Alan Silkes, Chief Program Officer Mary Ann Profeta, and Chief People Officer Derek Benson to discuss the relationships that helped grow their careers and why investing in others is important.

February 8th, 2022|
  • Discuss the Power of a Paycheck | Working Wardrobes

Episode 11: Working Wardrobes Bonni Pomush and Corporate Leaders Bart Asner, M.D. and Rockette Ewell Discuss the Power of a Paycheck

Bonni Pomush and Corporate Leaders,Bart Asner, M.D. and Rockette Ewell Discuss the Power of a Paycheck In the episode, Working Wardrobes Bonni Pomush sits down with corporate leaders, Bart Asner, M.D., former President of OptumCare Southern California and Rockette Ewell, Community Affairs Manager, U.S. Bank Southern California to discuss the power of receiving your first paycheck.

January 21st, 2022|
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