Working Wardrobes News Briefs
Come tour with us! We’ve got a lot going on Inside Working Wardrobes, so please come see for yourself.
We invite you to visit our Career Success Center to learn more about how the programs we provide create career opportunities for men, women, young adults, and veterans who are going through significant life challenges.
Please come tour with us and we’ll show you.
Experience first-hand the services we offer, including career assessments, job mapping, one-on-one job coaching, soft & hard skills job training, interview techniques, resume writing skills, job search assistance, job placement assistance, and professional wardrobing.
Upcoming Tours
September 15th at 9 am
October 20th at 12 pm, 4 pm
November 17th at 9 am, 4 pm
Come see our mission in action! Click here to register for a tour: https://www.workingwardrobes.org/tours/

You Shop. Amazon Gives to Working Wardrobes.
Working Wardrobes is an Amazon Smile charity of choice for online purchases! We are proud to be included in this partnership and thrilled with Amazon’s support to further our mission of helping people reenter the workforce.
Please know that when you make a purchase on Amazon Smile on behalf of Working Wardrobes, Amazon will donate 5% of eligible purchases to our organization.
Be sure to visit https://smile.amazon.com/ and select “Working Wardrobes” as your charity of choice. We greatly appreciate your support!

Attention Working Wardrobes Volunteers, Donors and Former Clients!
If you have volunteered your time or donated to Working Wardrobes, or if you have received services at our Career Success Center, we want to hear about your positive experience. We want to know what inspired you to get involved with our organization and if you’re a former client, we’d love to know where you’re working now and how we can continue to cheer you on!
We are so grateful to our volunteers and donors, and so proud of our many clients who have turned their lives around to follow their dreams. We want to share you story with the world to inspire others to give back to those in need, and to help people who want to transform their lives, too.
Please email jerrirosen@workingwardrobes.org for a chance to have us feature YOUR story. We’d love to hear from you!