Get to Know Working Wardrobes
I’m Karen Ladika and as Administrative Assistant for Working Wardrobes, I work on the ‘frontlines’ of our organization. Each day, I manage phone calls, in-person client appointments, and tours of our Career Success Center (with COVID health guidelines in place, of course!)
Essentially, I am the first point of contact for clients to receive the workforce readiness services we provide so they can find jobs in this challenging economy, and for people interested in learning more about our work and our mission.
I love my job, I love our clients, and I love our community. What saddens me is that more and more women are turning to Working Wardrobes to help them find jobs due to the pandemic. Many of the industries in which they worked were impacted the most by COVID. And thousands more women left the workforce to care for their families when child care centers closed, or when children were forced to learn from a distance.
What I want you to know is that we are doing everything in our power to help women get back to work.
What I also want is for you to know Working Wardrobes a little better. That’s why I’m sharing this special Behind the Scenes at Working Wardrobes video that was recently developed by our dear friend and expert realtor, Alexander Yu, and his generous partners at FirstTeam Real Estate.
I invite you to watch the video and come see ‘inside Working Wardrobes’ to learn more about our organization. Our mission has never been more important.
Thank you, so much, for your time and support.
Karen Ladika
Administrative Assistant
Working Wardrobes