At Working Wardrobes, we know the true meaning of heroism. It is the giving spirt of our generous community that has lifted us up from the ashes after a fire destroyed our building and contents in February. It is the support you continue to extend in the midst of Covid-19.
So far, this year has been tough, but our mission and resolve are tougher. You make us stronger.
We consider each and every donor and volunteer to be a Rebuilding Hero, and we are incredibly grateful. Your love and support are helping us weather the storm and rebuild…to rebuild the lives of others.

In the coming weeks, we will pay tribute to 30 incredible Rebuilding Heroes – in honor of our 30th Anniversary – who are going above and beyond in these difficult times. We’ll share their inspirational stories in acknowledgment and appreciation of their commitment to helping our clients find jobs and brighter futures. We could all use some good news right now.
Yes, we are in unchartered territory, but we are all in this together! Specifically, when it comes to our rebuilding efforts, we have made significant strides. Here are updates.
- With the help of generous volunteers, we are providing safe and convenient online career development services to our clients.
- We have put the search for our new headquarters on hold while the staff works at home per edict from the Governor’s office.
- Your financial donations have helped ensure that when the ‘Shelter in Place’ order has been lifted, we will be back in operation ASAP.
- We are developing a Rebuild Report which will go out to all of our donors and will also be published on our website.
One of the unforeseen challenges that we’re dealing with, beyond the devastation of the fire and Covid-19, was learning that a year-long police investigation of our former controller resulted in formal charges. The embezzlement investigation began in February 2019 and immediate action was taken to cover legal and HR issues and to terminate the individual.
Thankfully, we recovered nearly all of the funds with our insurance coverage, minus the deductible of $2,000. We want you to know that there was absolutely no connection between the embezzlement case and the fire, nor has a penny of our Rebuild Fund been used to cover any losses. The insurance made us whole in 2019, and we put the matter to rest. Media coverage resurrected the issue and we wanted to address it.
We value transparency and honesty at Working Wardrobes. These are bedrock principles of the organization and always will be.
Until our next message, we want our generous supporters – as well as the men, women, young adults, and veterans we serve – to know that you are all heroes. We sincerely appreciate you!
All my best,