Our mission? To help veterans achieve the Power of a Paycheck. Our operation? Employment!
“I got the job!” is music to our ears. We hear this phrase often at Working Wardrobes and it is particularly meaningful when spoken by a veteran. Our work with veterans, and the career development services we offer through our VetNet program, is very near and dear to our hearts.
Right now, veterans need our help more than ever. They face many challenges after service including unemployment, underemployment, and homelessness. Their hurdles are exponentially greater in these challenging times. In fact, it’s estimated that there will be 10 – 20 times the number of job applicants per open position after COVID-19.

Unfortunately, the job market will be even more competitive for our deserving veterans going forward.
But you can help!
Working Wardrobes is honored to be part of Stand and Salute on May 20th, a one-day giving event to help veterans in Orange County and the nonprofits that serve them. Your generosity will support VetNet and the career development services we provide, so we can get even more veterans on their feet and back to work.
Please help us reach our goal of raising $25,000 in 24 hours. Together, we can do this.
Be sure to mark your calendar for May 20th, and bookmark the Working Wardrobes Stand and Salute donation page, found here, to donate.
To learn more about Stand and Salute, visit https://workingwardrobes.org/stand-and-salute/
Thank you so, so much for your support.
In love and gratitude,