Military Women in Transition Success Event 2018

Event Photos
Working Wardrobes, in partnership with the Personal and Professional Development Branch of Career Services at Camp Pendleton will provide active duty service women with a morning of transformations. This event is an opportunity for 120 deserving female marines and sailors to get equipped for the civilian workforce by providing them career readiness services.
When & Where
Camp Pendleton
8:00 am—5:00 pm
• Resume Prep
• Employer Panel
• Financial Workshop
• Professional Wardrobing
Re-entry into the workforce is difficult for individuals who do not have the tools to successfully navigate the job search process. The services we provide help develop new skills and build self-confidence for deserving clients. Our ultimate goal is to hear the words, “I got the job!”
How Can I Help
Host a clothing, accessory or toiletry drive at your organization in benefit of clients served on this day! Form a volunteer group! We have opportunities for setup day and event day. Ask us about our Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities! Call (714) 210-2460 for more information.